In the next two posts, we’re reviewing Justice Corrigan’s voting record.

Since joining the Court, Justice Corrigan has voted to reverse in full in 283 civil cases.  She has cast split votes (affirm in part, reverse/vacate in part – denoted in the chart as “AR” votes) 44 times.  She has voted to affirm in 188 civil cases.  Justice Corrigan’s heaviest year for reversals was 2007 with 30.  Her lightest year for affirm votes was 2020 with only five.  Including both outright reversal and split votes, the outliers are 2006 (32 reverse or AR, 14 affirm), 2007 (34 reverse or AR, 17 affirm), 2010 (22 reverse or AR, 11 affirm), 2011 (23 reverse or AR, 6 affirm), 2012 (18 reverse or AR, 8 affirm), 2015 (24 reverse or AR, 8 affirm) and 2020 (17 reverse or AR, 5 affirm).

Meanwhile, Justice Corrigan has cast 472 votes to affirm in full in criminal cases.  She has cast 106 split votes and voted to reverse 254 times.  Her split votes reached double figures in 2012 (13) and 2014-2016 (10 per year).  The outlier years are 2007 (39 affirm, 21 reverse or AR), 2010 (47 affirm, 26 reverse or AR), 2011 (34 affirm, 17 reverse or AR) and 2018 (30 affirm, 19 reverse or AR).

Join us back here next time as we reach part 4 of our post – how often does Justice Corrigan vote with the majority?

Image courtesy of Flickr by Dennis Jarvis (no changes).