I have blogged annually about the Appellate Judges Education Institute’s Summit. This year it is being held in Boston from November 14 through 17. As in prior years, it’s going to be a dilly. Here’s a link with details and registration information: https://www.judges.org/ajei_category/2024-summit/
The program will be pure dynamite for anyone involved in appellate practice or appellate judging. The keynote speaker is anticipated to be a retired United States Supreme Court Justice. That worthy has already committed to participate but, since there are a few details yet to be ironed out, the name is not yet being made public.
Other programs will include Dean Erwin Chemerinsky’s annual report on the recently completed term of the U.S. Supreme Court, along with panels that address the legacy of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the role of state attorneys general in litigation and how to encourage (or discourage) state participation in your case, how to shape a trial record with an eye toward appeal, external attacks on the judicial system, sua sponte judicial decisions, and many others. Speakers and participants include such luminaries as California Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu, Ninth Circuit Judges Margaret McKeown and Jacqueline Nguyen, North Carolina’s own Chris Browning, and Harvard Law Professor Sherrilyn Ifill. You can get a year’s worth of CLE (including ethics) in one glorious binge.
Scholarships are available as indicated at the registration site, and lower early bird rates apply until September 30. In addition, discounts are available to American Bar Association members and to members of the ABA’s Judicial Division (remember that you don’t need to be a judge to join the JD). If you’re not an ABA member now, you can take advantage of the ABA discount by joining.
As in past AJEI Summits, full advantage will be taken of the offerings available in the host city. Boston is loaded with historic attractions and tours are being set up for those who are interested. It’s going to be a lot of fun, folks. Sign up now!
–Bob Edmunds