Fox Rothschild LLP

In appeals, the general rule is that litigants cannot appeal an interlocutory order until a final judgment is entered.  But in North Carolina, a major statutory exception to the general rule exists:  When the trial court’s interlocutory ruling “affects a substantial right” that will be lost absent immediate appellate review.  See N.C. Gen. Stat. §

The Supreme Court’s Technology Department has done it again. Quietly adding even more features to the appellate courts’ electronic filings site,

The filing site has long allowed attorneys and the public to locate and view records, briefs, and other appellate filings by using a flexible search engine.   A few years ago, a direct

It’s not every day that the Court of Appeals spends almost 12 pages talking about the appellate rules, including why rules compliance is so important.  But that’s exactly what the Court of Appeals did in Harney v. Harney.  Why?  The appellant’s brief used an appendix to circumvent the 8,750 word-count limit.  And then the

When you read about someone breaking into an unlocked door in rural North Carolina you may hear sighs about the death of the good old days.  But leave the front door wide open all night and even the sweetest southern grandma will shake her head in disbelief.  That’s the picture that comes to my mind

Big news out of the Court of Appeals for criminal practitioners. In State v. McLean, the Court of Appeals addressed a notice of appeal that was given orally the day after the trial ended and the defendant was sentenced. There was no written notice of appeal.

I know what you’re thinking, and Mr. McLean’s